Rock Bottom
I hit rock bottom and I didn't even know it.
It was three years ago and if you asked me then, I would have told you that life was pretty good. I had finally met my biggest business goal, making the most money I ever had. I was traveling for three weeks in South America and I had just purchased my very first home. Sounds amazing, doesn't it?
The truth is, I was unbelievably sad. I had spent an entire year working and going to funerals. It's the only thing I did. My health and weight were at their worst and I had gotten seriously lost in a life I wasn't proud to call my own.
You know what they don't tell you about rock bottom?
That it looks different for everyone.
That it's not a trampoline - bouncing back is optional.
That getting up is a CHOICE, one that not everyone makes.
That lots of people LIVE there.
That you won't know that you were there until you get up and you're able to look back.
That when you do finally look back, you'll feel oddly grateful for the struggle.
I was ok, but I had NO IDEA how much better it could be... I had no idea that I'd look back less than 3 years later and see this moment as the turning point, the one where I decided to choose a completely different life.
I won't lie, it was harder than I ever thought it would be - and it's also way more amazing that I could ever have imagined.
I just returned from an incredible trip out west where I got to reconnect with some amazing people. As we stopped along the way, a friend of mine took a picture of me beside a waterfall and it reminded me of that picture of me then - three years ago in front of Iguazu Falls. The contrast is striking.
Different waterfall... oh so different me.
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